Our Love it Guarantee

Experience Sapling without any worries! We're confident in the quality of our products and are dedicated to your satisfaction. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied with one of products, reach out within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.*

A Standard Above the Rest

We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards and deeply focused on ensuring the quality and safety of each and every product produced, with manufacturers certified by:

How do I claim my refund?

Here is how to claim your product refund:

1. Start by letting us know you'd like to request a refund through our contact form. Be sure to specify how many products you'd like to return (one return per product).

2. You can expect a reply to your email, which will include the address for returning the product(s).

3. Package and ship the products to the given address. You will be responsible for the return shipping fees.

4. Once shipped, reply to our email thread and provided the tracking number.

5. We will initiate your refund within 2 days of receiving your package.

Contact Us

To initiate your refund. Please contact us through our contact form, or by sending us an email.

Start Return


* One refund per customer. Repeated refund requests are not allowed.

**This refund policy is for orders placed on takesapling.com only and is subject to change without notice.